Friday, December 27, 2013

SSL Key and Certificate Matching


  • Apache fails to start or restart
  • No errors on STDERR
  • No errors in logs
  • You've recently changed an SSL certificate or the SSL config for a Virtual Host


When this happens to me, 99% of the time my SSL key and certificate do not match for some reason (old key with new cert, copy error, vhost typo, etc).  Apache is really not helpful when this occurs. 

"Hey, $JUNIORADMIN!  I'm just not going to start.  Oh, you want error logs?  No, I think I'll skip that.  An error on STDERR?  Nope.  None of that either.  In fact, I think I'll just sit here doing nothing and silently mocking you."

Thanks Apache.

Check that your key and certificate match.  You can do this by comparing the modulus for each of them to see if it is a match.  To do this with openssl:

# Check the Key
$ openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in <your_ssl_key_file>


# Check the Cert
$ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in <your_ssl_cert_file>


That's kind of tedious, and I've gotten into the habit of checking them every time I make a change to the key and certificate, so I found it easier to make a quick bash script to do this for me.

KEY_MOD=$(openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $KEY)
CRT_MOD=$(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $CRT)

if [ "$KEY_MOD" != "$CRT_MOD" ] ; then
  echo "No Match"
  exit 1
  echo "Key and Certificate match"

Pass the script two arguments, first the key, then the certificate, and it'll compare the two strings for you.

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